Airman is a science fiction, adventure novel written by Eoin Colfer. The story takes place during the 1890s and is about a boy named Conor who lives with his family on the Saltee islands off the coast of Ireland. There he studies the about flight with his tutor and spends time with the Princess Isabella, the kings daughter. One day Conor finds out about a plot against the King, and when he tries to warn about it, he is accused for treachery and is sent to the prison island of little Saltee. There he has to battle for his life as he is forced to mine in terrible conditions. The only thing that can save Conor is his knowledge of flight. For months he draws plans for a contraption that will get him out of the Island. I loved this book because of its adventure and science fiction genre, and how the main character uses his knowledge and ingenuity to plan an escape from prison. I would recommend this book to both high and middle school students who are interested in Sci-Fi and adventure novels.
Sameer Khan
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