Divergent is a dystopian fiction novel written by Veronica Roth and is the first book of the Divergent trilogy. The book takes place in the post apocalypse city of Chicago. The survivors in the city have divided themselves into five different factions. “Abnegation” for selflessness, “Amity” for the peaceful, “Candor” for the honest, “Dauntless” for the brave, and “Erudite” for the intellectual, all these different groups play specific roles in this post-apocalypse society. The main character is Beatrice Prior who born to an Abnegation family, but for many years she never truly felt she belongs to the faction. On her sixteenth birthday, Beatrice took the aptitude test to see which group she want to be part of, but her tests were inconclusive for they gave her three options, Abnegation her home faction, Dauntless, or Erudite. The test coordinator warns her not to tell anyone about her test results because it makes her a “Divergent”. On the choosing day after a stressing over her results, she chooses to join Dauntless. Starting a new life, Beatrice will have to prove herself in order to be called Dauntless or rick becoming faction less. This book is mainly for young-adult readers. I personally enjoyed reading this book because it goes back to my favourite dystopian fiction genre and its likeness to the Hunger games one of my favourite series. Overall I would recommend this book if you are fan of dystopian genres like The Hunger Games or The Forsaken.
Sameer Khan
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