The Forsaken is a dystopian fiction novel written by Lisa M. Stasse and is the first of a trilogy. The book takes place in the U.N.A, a country that formed from the remnants of Canada, United States, and Mexico. The main character Alenna shawcross is an orphan living in the U.N.A after having both her parents dragged out of her home by government soldiers. During this time she tries to live an obedient and quiet life. But at sixteen years-old, she fails a government personality test designed to diagnose insubordinate tendencies. As a punishment, she is sent to a mysterious island known as “The Wheel”. A harsh and dangerous place where a civil war rages between two different tribes of teenagers. Alenna meets a boy named Liam, charming warrior who is planning to escape the island. This story is focus towards a young adult audience. I personally liked this story because it reminded me of another favourite book of mine which was the hunger game series. If you are a fan of the hunger games, battle royal, and any other rebellious dystopian novels, I guarantee you will like this book.
Sameer Khan
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