The Maze of Bones is a children’s literature, mystery, and adventure fiction book written by Rick Riordan, it is the first book of The 39 Clues series. The Book follows the story two orphans, Amy and Dan Cahill who are brother and sister. Upon the day of Grace’s (their grandmother) funeral, they discover that their family is an old, large, and very powerful one, before Grace’s funeral, Amy, Dan, and bunch of other Cahills are called for a private meeting where they watch a video message of Grace. She gives the Cahills two choices, to accept one million dollars of inheritance, or to take one of the greatest challenges yet, the one who wins this challenge will become the greatest Cahill who has ever lived. This challenge consists of 39 clues all which are scattered around the world, from Boston, to Paris, and beyond. Both Amy and Dan take on this challenge but are faced with competition from other Cahills. This is a great adventure series which I enjoyed reading and I would recommend it to mostly middle school students.
Sameer Khan
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