Pendragon: The Merchant of Death is a Fantasy, speculative fiction and the first book of the Pendragon Series written by D. J. MacHale. The Book is about a fourteen year-old boy named Bobby Pendragon whose life changes when his Uncle Press takes him to the subway in the Bronx in New York. There they are attacked by Saint Dane, The main villain of the book. Uncle Press Bobby to enter the door marked with a star and say “Denduron” while entering. Bobby does so and soon finds himself in another world similar to Earth but with 3 suns. He soon learns that there are two tribes, Milago and the Bedoowan. The Milago are treated very badly by the Bedoowan tribe which force them to work in the mines. Pendragon finds himself in between this hate between the two tribes where one side wants freedom and revenge while the other wants to keep order and security. This book is ment for young adults, so people from middle school and high school can read this book. I overall enjoyed this book because of its unique plot and because it’s a Fiction. I would recommend anyone interested in Speculative fiction to read this book.
Sameer Khan
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